Monday, February 28, 2011

Wild Life Resuce Games

A special give-away ...

I have for you today .. This time there is nothing self-made, but the winner may be an enamel sign (house number or name etc. ..) from choose Ramsign ! (which is from the company Ramsign kindly made available) If you like, you can even look ever .. it's really beautiful plates in different colors and designs. (Too bad I can not join .. :-() But oh well, so this is now.
What you must do ? Simply leave under this post until Sunday 06/03/2011 a comment - that's it. I then loose the winner Sunday afternoon, and redirect the request to sign Ramsign. Who can
may also like to draw the link ..
wish you good luck and now I have a nice day ..
Greetings, Kerstin

Helicobacter Pylori Gay

"Bugger bugger buggedybuggedybuggedybug fuck fuck fuck ass shit tits"

  • Colin has won, fully deserved, finally, glamorous and stunning. In his acceptance speech, stylish, gorgeous, funny - the next days are very heavy-Firth in our DVD player!

  • The Social Network would still have to win best director and best film.
  • Nonetheless, my predictions were pretty good. In our home I had Ballot in 8 out of 19 categories right and came together with a co-Oscar-Zirklerin 2nd place The winner managed to nine matches. Not bad for my first participation.
  • not Oscars to look alone is a great idea, time passes quickly, I am not asleep, there was good conversation and good food at the edge.
  • What number does not matter to you, it is always always always too much advertising, felt about 2:1 compared to the actual events.
  • Monday morning at 6 am in the subway more going on than Sunday evening semi-11th Confusing;)
  • good that I have today free.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

D2nt Sorc Dies Constantly


What you can not find anything in the archives of the Daily Show. In this interview from 2001 Jon Stewart and Owen Wilson talk about Kate Hudson, which was then still a relatively new star on the Hollywood sky was. Owen finds it "quite funny". Interestingly, if one considers the subsequent on-off relationship with suicide attempt ....

Need For A Wheelchair

Colin Firth and Jon Stewart

Two of my favorite people in film and television make for some of the most beautiful scenes on television.

all traffic from Colin Firth - future Oscar winner - in the Daily Show. Note the pull through all the interviews about sex, the England-bashing, the Hugh Grant-Bashing and changes in hair and weight to Mr. Stewart and like Colin Firth looks always just great and is:)

This is the Daily Show with Jon Stewart - my guest tonight: The great Colin Firth:

PS: Love the idea Firth of an annual film festival ... (5th video)

PPS: Jon Stewart is always great!

third June 2002: The Importance of Being Earnest

The Daily Show - Colin Firth
Tags: Daily Show Full Episodes , Political Humor & Satire blog, The Daily Show on Facebook

6. November 2003: Love Actually

4. April 2008: Then She Found Me

19. Januar 2010: A Single Man

11th January 2011: The King's Speech

Dead Mouse In Wall Hea

Film and price

As promised, Post No. 2 to the movie theme;)

It is will be Oscar night. For several years I have been following the events live on TV so happy. This time it is the first time not a solitary pleasure, and thus probably also the second time that I hold completely, without falling asleep in between.

The exclusive movie circles Friedrichshain invited me to his annual Oscar banquet. There is food, music and Oscar, Gela and serious discussions, their own projections and who knows what else. Half past ten gehts los, past it's probably like every morning at 6 clock.

In preparation for the evening, there was the homework as possible to see all ten nominees in the Best Picture before. I have six done - at least. About Toy Story 3, The Fighter, 127 Hours, and Black Swan, I can allow myself no opinion.

then I think now my favorite times here in the major categories (aka the category that I can tell anyway) fixed and I am excited like a Flitzebogen.

Loosy's Oscar goes to:

Best Supporting Actress: Hailee Steinfeld in True Grit (Helena Bonham Carter would also be ok, but where Julianne Moore is a contact in the list?)

Best Supporting Actor: John Hawkes in Winter's Bone (am Best of Mark Ruffalo and me and Jeff Frey Rush)

original screenplay: The Kids Are All Right

Best Adapted Screenplay: The Social Network

Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence in Winter's Bone (Natalie Portman not seen)

Best Actor: Colin Firth in The King's speech (the same for A Single Man last year, Jesse Eisenberg was also great, James Franco not seen)

Best Film: The Social Network, followed by The King's Speech and Winter's Bone

How Xtra 10 Suspension Works

film and scrap

Two things that have surprisingly much in common. There will now go not to bad movies, it's about decluttering. Decluttering is the name for the FlyLady . The logic behind this is his life (and his home) to fill with the things that is really loves and conjure a smile on his face. This reduces the amount of stuff that gives a good mood and can clean up clean up easily. A situation that is full wins.

In the course of the decluttering I have already disposed of some bags of clothes and "stuff" brought to the deal made clothes donation or a gift. A case of books during the week, now moves to Café Tasso . Oh that was hard to clear out books. Therefore, only about one-twentieth of all books has migrated into the box. Books make one happy, and now are still incredibly decorative.

The next project was the movies. Here I have succeeded, to part of VHS tapes when I have the films already on DVD and for years have not seen anything missing. Nevertheless, there remain about 20 videos. Not to mention DVD's all because of that I may not do without one. Especially to come so a monthly average of about ten (supply purchases, of course, none of my DVDs has cost more than 10 €, most gabs for under 7 euros).

stay but the vast amounts of recorded from TV movies. You have to understand that my parents did it to me until I was 17, the joys (?) Of commercial television to withhold. There were two, later three, later four public television stations. And there were videos. And there was the possibility of making great movies, if they were running late into the night. Or if they were so amazingly simple that you wanted to see them more often. Or if an actor starred, which were great. Or when friends, the films were great. Or if the movie was great BRAVO.

Anyway - mass selbstbespielte VHS tapes, durchgenudelt properly by seeing over and over again, mixed with advertising, partially lost ends and beginnings, etc., etc. Even with these shelves I've just gone through. Results: About 5 videos simply discarded. In the other comparison with the DVD collection, again some discarded. Everything else moved to the Amazon Wish List and some were ordered immediately. Since so many "classics" are. Not necessarily good movies, but movies I've seen a thousand times, can I have a say and they have shaped my childhood and youth.

Yes, there are streams, so you can download movies, yes, there are video rental stores. But let's face it - in books and films is: Do! Let's hope that can be said for a while DVD to Blu-ray and soon rolled up the next great, practical and attractive medium for us. Such things can be really expensive ...

PS: About the film, there are still a post this week - has to do with tonight.

PPS: Growing up with a few TV stations gave me only so far harmed than that I still have a say in some conversations simply can not - I have seen this whole series just never! At the same time it has some nerdy As for movies, music and the Internet transported - whether it's positive or negative, may decide my fellow man ...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Canker Sore In Lip Piercing

Two New in the blogroll

After I devoured Noah Sow & W Germany - thanks to the pixel Amazon for reporting - I would like both the book and the author of the blog put all his heart, the no, everyone. The blog gives here.

And a great new comic blog I found on Facebook - you can immediately into your reader . Take :) A Byoo-ti-ful Day .

And where I am at it - for a good week there in the middle of a new cafe, Cafe International - only a few steps from the same movie in a typical East German barracks construction, huge windows, comfortable interior, home made goodies, interesting magazine selection, super friendly staff. Everyone go there! (Must elicit even know if they have wireless internet as well ...)

Wild Thornberry Wildlife Rescue Online

Half awake in a Fake Empire

Yesterday was the day of days for much of the Berlin music lovers (if you mean by current pop music of the more serious and artistic value type) - The National played in Columbia Hall. In the weeks before it was heard in every nook and cranny, as all who wants to go. And apparently it was not just me. also experienced one of my favorite bloggers and Twitter, Herm by Herm's Farm must have similar - at least he tweeted an event announcement expressly to "all who do not go now to The National".

our cards, we were in any event since December, as luck would have it that the concert was to take place just on the birthday of the beloved - the perfect Christmas gift that is:) OK, so the logical not, but it has passed. Stupid would now have been if we had lost the cards in the long weeks between them somehow. And so came the last days a bit of nail-biter.

know this, we must, Christmas we were in Italy. There were many gifts. Some big and obvious, some small and insignificant - like PAPER concert tickets and an iTunes gift certificate. was given that other Christmas gifts were delayed in the mail to Italy (who still remembers the winter of chaos?) - this also reached me only this week in an eating-CARE package of love "parents".

big mess, then, two different departure days, who does what, etc. And now suddenly faced with about 10 days, the question: "Where exactly are the The National Map?" After some "The Have I yet given" "But there are still Your cards are are destined to your desk, "" Where we have the time purely done anyway? "" You sure you had not plugged in? "Was followed by frantic searches. Naked panic that the decluttering of countless pizza boxes and magazines to maps somehow landed in between. calls in Italy. Browse all could then entrained bags, books, etc. "What books we get paid for it?"

Everything we had looked through. All. then taken careful inquiries among friends, if not perhaps someone else would have left a card? (After all sold out for weeks!). "broadcast only once and scare on eBay ....

breathe OK. Is there anything that we have overlooked?

moment, my favorite was from his brother but still a book. What was that again? Something to "read to" not landed on the stack, but equally on the shelf. Let me think.

A last gasp of hope. I ran to the shelf, after a short search found the book. And. Da. Inside: 2 pieces of paper. Determines advertising. But no - they were THE NATIONAL THE CARDS !!!!! Woooohooo. A scree struck me from the heart.

rescued concert, birthday saved, saved Christmas.

Oh and the concert was still great;)

small impression, thanks to YouTube:

And a huge Buon Compleanno to the loved ones, even from this point:)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Japanese Woman Grope In Train


The packaging for the Seedbombs befitting a must of course not, paper bags with selbstgeschnitztem stamp.
/ / Seed bomb packaging: self-made rubber stamp on paper bag. / /

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Crest Whitestrips Singapore Online

hello Hamburg

A few years ago I tried pumpkins on traffic islands to breed. Unfortunately sabotaged the Parks Department (surely totally clueless!) With his lawn mower fleet my first Guerilla Gardening attempt. This year I will try my luck with seed bombs, for which I have now made their hands very dirty. The whole of the first attempt for the next craft was : room-workshop, which I do with Sophie and I will have with each and every desire can splash us with seed bombs. The first attempt is now on my desk to dry and it looks as if the bunny is a bit lost. I'm curious if this recipe works. A trial planting in a well-sheltered, domestic pot will bring early results.
/ / A few years ago I tried to grow pumpkins on a traffic refuge. This first guerrilla gardening project was sabotaged by the cities gardeners with their mowing machines (they had been completely clueless cause of what they are doing!) . This year I will try to beautify the streets with seed-bombs. The first try is laying on my table and looks like an Easter bunny has lost something. If the first try is successful you all are invited to the next craft: workshop space to put your hands into the mud and form some seed-balls with Sophie and me. / /

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Spiker Hair Gel Review

made by Ken Shabby ...

Hello dear ones,
after it recently was pretty quiet today again a few new things from my workshop. (At this point all my greetings to "best" that motivates me and drives again ;-)) gewerkelt
I therefore once again , All in the shabby style, different combinations of shapes and colors ...- and that is not seen nothing yet, I still have 1,000 ideas, and could continue to potter about for hours. But woman must be yes (unfortunately) from time to cook things like cleaning, care and the like. Not to mention small game deposits on Facebook, where one keeps meeting nice friends .. Yes, exactly are you meant ;-)
So, now is enough .. now there pictures ..

you have a nice evening ...
Love, Kerstin

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Souvenir Id On Yonge Street Toronto 2010

being ill

sucks his sick

  • be celebrated next weekend and we should still do not know if we can be there
  • When this evening so can go to pubs quiz
  • If you were the beautiful free time, can not use it to do a thousand things that you want to do like
  • One of the most time has little appetite

be sick but also benefits

  • Without bad Some work to your left, do not feel responsible, while at the office level country is under a lot of time to spend
  • most beautiful place in the world (my bed!)
  • read all day, surf the Net, watch movies, watch series to sleep ....
  • If - has now ne good excuse to eat

why today - - but then if there is an appetite again - Pizza! And a film. Excellent.

PS: Actually, just a coincidence, but perhaps makes the school: Thursday seems to be my meat-eating day. Last week, chicken soup, pizza with beef and bacon today. On the days in between: Pure vegetarian! I won!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Sort Of Corn Do We Use In Popcorn Maker?

The city

Berlin is my city now. It has admittedly taken a bit but it was not so much the city itself. It had to do with the fact that I made an intact social life with great friends in another great city came here and only once had to take root. That is now done, I have more friends than time. More Berlin zentrum "anyway.

Good thing the pixels Amazone is here now, I hope that enough reason for me will be to explore the city much more and more often.

Until then here for you to read, why Berlin the coolest city in the world is !

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pirates Of The Caribbeantabs

update on the Super Bowl Ads

Anyone who still wonders, is behind what and why Groupon so "cynical" is that should the following two blog posts read:

Andrew in Groupblogpon

Greenpeace blog

Edit: And more statements from the participating NGOs: buildOn

Rain Forest Action Network

Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Red Undertones In Skin

The best thing

If this happened on the blog too much right now, so upfront but "behind the scenes" in the real world, new ideas and new events. The last craft:: For example, this space so much fun, now that we craft a second: make room on their feet. Look forward to a great Craft Night tinkering with crazy! On 12 March 18 is the clock beta hamburg
more information and details on the workshops will be available soon on the craft . space blog.
/ / While nothing happens online on my blog I am working on some different projects offline. For example this: I am very happy to invite you to our second craft: craft room night. With some crazy crafters and their ideas. On March, 12th at hamburg beta house. Further information and details about the workshops offered you can find here in a few days. / /

Is There Alcohol. In My Urine If It Is Clear

swim naked in the Friedrichshain

Note: If you want to go swimming at night, should his swimsuit in the great Beatles-Do not leave the bag under my desk. Hmph. Then probably next week ...

In other news: The following posters were announced eighties but not with Chefchen, but love from a colleague, had the weekend duty. It looks like it has cleared out their old Bravo Poster (all with various pin holes in it) and brought to the office. And so now adorn Arnold Schwarzenegger, Marky Mark, Michael Jackson, Depeche Mode, Sandy and Doro Pesch our office.

And on my desk, yes there is Johnny Depp. :) Along with the now suddenly in the beverage storage available mango juice offers Johnny a great picture and makes my desk look much more like home:

How To Keep Boots From Rubbing Ankles

What a job

There are many reasons for which my job mag. And a few, why not. Here is one of them: Groupon has secured $ 3 million for advertising space at the Super Bowl - the most watched television event in the world. And, as I was hoping they have not advertised only for himself and told everyone that they have really great deals in the world (this). No, they like a bit saved the world.

reported in three commercials out Cuba Gooding Jr., Elizabeth Hurley, and Timothy Hutton on problems in the world - the whale deaths, the deforestation of the rain forest, the situation in Tibet. Apparently they make fun of and promote Groupon. Let them, too. But if you then click Save The Groupon Money goes, you can donate there for these things. With a donation to Greenpeace whaling on a crowded Groupon the account, so you can spend the same amount for deals. With a donation to the Rainforest Action Network Groupon doubled the donation.

More actions will follow, that's for sure. Finally, a child of Groupon !

Here again, the three super bowl commercials ... I do the same to the office, which has decorated my boss our glass box with fresh posters from the 80s - more on that later.

Edit: More background info from Andrew himself on the Groupon Blog .

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Vuze Search Templates Mininova


I'm actually some kind of unofficial part-time vegetarians. I could feed myself for weeks in theory only vegetarian. Maybe even with some effort, for ever. I try when I have eaten in a day meat, let it be the next day. And a meat-free day is not too suddenly with the evening meal "spoil".

can thus only be whole, not ego. I am too very Treat and there are things that lead me but then again into temptation. Let's see how long. "Eating Animals" is at least schonmal on the bedside table. I'm a bit afraid of it. A friend read it and since then a vegetarian, although he had previously never enthusiastic about "something". Maybe I put the book so still before me.

Well, this morning to have breakfast outside the home, there was an English Breakfast. With Bacon. Bacon is usually not my style. But lately he has always sooo tasty, if I found shelter. (Bacon with raw cabbage in the winter Solstice food in the mountains of Campania, for example). And so on this evening to order pizza bacon on it.

If the Bacon In response to my Halbvegetariertum? And for my problem areas? Stay tuned.

Masterbationin The Public


morning I have late shift - that is, I'm only at 11 to the office, but remains without a murmur to 20 clock, or until everything is ready, should it be if not yet the case .

But the day after, yes, there also began looking for a new experiment: Moving work (early) time. Then the normal working day begins at 10 and goes up to 19 clock. Who wants to leave early, or even early departures may also achieve good results from 8.

How I know myself, so I will go the next few weeks at 10 to work (If not due until late shift at 11). And so, my life resembles more and more to the university from old times: Sleep in, put on comfortable breakfast, comfortable clothes, joking around at work all day and go to bed late at night. And for that gibts then money. is only natural that non-strenuous work and the stress level higher.

Let's see how I cope nudge the new rhythm Sun Maybe I'll start this week then in the morning even with financial management, before I go to work? I hope almost a little attention, otherwise my life will probably finally be in chaos ...

Sheet Music For Lisa Mitchell

Berlin on Sunday

Since yesterday the pixels Amazone in the city. And this for three whole months. One can hardly imagine my joy. DC this morning so I drove her to their new flat. Then we had a leisurely breakfast and then took us on a long walk during which I have a lot of their Berlin shows.

we not fool ourselves, most of the time we have talked and now and then I once said: "Look, there's this and that and she said:" Ah, cool, I read on. " In the end we had landed on my doorstep. Sunday walk 7.4 km from Neukölln to center - in the drizzle. Perfect start for three months and hopefully great also a great way to spend Sunday. We are proud of us.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How Does Cervical Mucus Look After Implantation?

Inspiration Part 2

Since May, I spend an average of tiny eight to ten hours per day in an office, "crammed" with nine madmen, all of which I have grown fond of very quickly. Overall, among our team almost 30 people and they are all inspiration - you would not believe how many there a day coming together of links, puns, inside jokes and collective madness.

And after work, on holiday in Wocheneende and hear the whole thing does not occur. On the one hand the work is such that they are not free even in a theoretical time let go. Secondly, I'm with the crazy also connected on Facebook and Skype. Permanent input also. My second Family.

Gradually, I will present some of the oddities from the glass case here. For today ever have an Kekslied. Have fun!

Satomi Forever Satomi Portrait

Inspiration Part 1

Stupid question, life! But in my particular case I see more and more that most of the things that interest me, I reached over the Internet. Be it books, music, movies, news, news of friends etc. etc. All in the network, all from and through the net.

Just as the story of the shit. The author of the Myographen posted the link on Facebook. The book is called "dark Matter. .. The history of shit "and is by Florian Werner Check it out - determined ne great Klolektüre, or at least something to think about when your next time on the pot sits to here a little video: Florian Werner reads from Dark Matter .

What Is The Coldest Temperature For A Rabbit

The design

during my blog-abstinence bloggers has increased quite nicely in terms of design. So it took a while before I could go for a combination.

actually chose my gut feeling, but in retrospect I have a bit philosophy behind faith I discovered.

The green lawn is the here and now, everyday life, my little green oasis in the middle the dirty, gray and noisy city.

The dandelion is impermanence and the umbrellas which are set out on the road so to speak, the thoughts that are often very far removed from real life - castles in the air and confusions.

always behind the sea. For one, the sea itself, which I now live further away. The sea, which holds everything together, one another and govern our planet. But the departure, the frontier, the unknown, what is new. And the view outside the box.

pretty much all there, if you think about it times. As probably in all things, if you take the time.

Gold Refiners In Houston, Tx


Loosy says and I, we will now try again with each other. Facebook and Twitter are somehow not everything and although anonymous Bloggerei has its advantages, but it needs more energy.

And time. Time is with me since last May also become far and few between - what such a full-time and more time job takes just as with it.

Today is Saturday, however, a February storm raging outside and I sit wrapped comfortably on the sofa. Since one can be nostalgic and schonmal to go back to old ideals. :) So

- Version 2.0, all at the beginning. Without standards, without guidelines, without expectations. Just go and then we let 's see if there grows.